Academic advising for the minor
Contact: Dr. Judy Leatherman,, 970-351-2453.
To tailor your biology courses to meet your educational goals, schedule an appointment with the biology minor adviser each semester.
Academic advising for the major
What to do first
Make a plan for yourself
Completing your degree starts with a course plan. The University Catalog lists all requirements for each biology emphasis area. To help you start, please take a look at these four-year plans.
Meet with your academic advisor
Who your academic advisor is depends on how far along you are in your degree program.
What classes to take for the biology major
Along the path to graduation you will complete courses in the following categories...
Transfer students
Contact: The biology transfer adviser is Frank Skufca, (email), 970-351-2469 (tel)
Helpful link: UNC transfer admissions website
Helpful link: Transferology
Transferring from another institution
If you transfer from any other institution of higher education to UNC and you declare biology as your major program of study, you should do the following things:
- Know the courses that transfer to UNC. After being accepted to UNC, the university will review your academic transcripts from other institutions and determine which courses may be accepted for credit at UNC. The list of accepted transfer courses will be sent to you. Be sure to bring this list with you when you meet with your academic adviser or with the biology transfer advisor.
- Meet with your academic advisor. They will assist you with fine-tuning your transferred courses to maximize the fulfillment of UNC and biology degree requirements.
Transferring from another major program at UNC
If you change your major to biology from any other major at UNC, there are special rules that apply to you. For example, some 200-level biology courses may be substituted for upper-division biology courses depending on the grade that you received. You should talk to your academic adviser to see what is possible.